666 Tattoo Meaning: More than just the Number of the Beast!

666 Devil tattoo design.

The 666 tattoo captures attention with its controversial blend of historical, spiritual, and cultural connotations.

Often linked to the enigmatic ‘Number of the Beast’ from biblical lore, this tattoo transcends its numeric form to embody a range of meanings—from spiritual rebellion to edgy pop culture icon.

In this exploration, I will decode the layers of the 666 tattoo meaning, revealing its significance as a symbol that resonates deeply with many.

A 666 tattoo design.
A 666 tattoo design.

Essential Insights

  • Biblical ‘Number of the Beast’ Association: The 666 tattoo is intrinsically linked to its biblical reference as the ‘Number of the Beast’, a symbol of mystique and power.
  • Rebellion and Individuality Marker: It’s a bold statement of defiance against norms, reflecting a strong sense of personal identity and individuality.
  • Diverse Spiritual Interpretations: Beyond its notorious image, 666 can signify spiritual awakening, personal transformation, or a rebellion against traditional spirituality.
  • Pop Culture and Edgy Symbolism: In pop culture, the 666 tattoo embodies edginess and mystery, showcased in music, movies, and by celebrities, adding to its modern appeal.
A 666 devil tattoo design.
A 666 devil tattoo design.

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What is the Meaning of a 666 Tattoo?

A 666 tattoo often signifies more than its historical and biblical roots, representing spiritual defiance, resilience, or even good fortune.

It embodies personal narratives, symbolizing an individual’s journey, beliefs, and the intricate balance between light and dark in life.

666 Facts

  • Historical and Biblical Roots: The number 666 is famously referenced in the Book of Revelation in the Christian Bible as the “Number of the Beast.” This apocalyptic context has cemented its association with mysticism and the occult.
  • Cultural Impact and Symbolism: 666 has permeated various aspects of popular culture, from music to movies, often used to evoke a sense of rebellion, mystery, or a connection with the darker side of the supernatural.
  • Unattainable Time Marker (6:66): The impossibility of the time 6:66 on clocks adds a layer of mystique to the number 666, making it a symbol of the extraordinary or the surreal.
  • Numerological Complexity: In numerology, 666 often symbolizes material wealth and abundance, contrary to its popular negative connotations. This duality adds depth to its interpretation.

666 Spiritual Meaning

A 666 red roses and lilies tattoo design.
A 666 red roses and lilies tattoo design.
  • Symbol of Duality: 666 represents the intertwining of light and dark, good and evil, offering a nuanced view of morality and ethics.
  • Journey of Self-Discovery: It symbolizes a deep dive into one’s psyche, acknowledging both the positive and shadow aspects of the self.
  • Empowerment and Independence: This number signifies a break from traditional beliefs, encouraging individuals to carve out their own unique spiritual paths.
  • Intellectual Autonomy: 666 encourages a departure from conventional thinking, prompting a journey of personal and spiritual independence.

666 Angel Number Meaning

A 666 tattoo design.
A 666 tattoo design.
  • Deviation from Perfection: Unlike typical angel numbers, 666 represents a deviation from divine perfection, urging individuals to explore deeper spiritual complexities.
  • Spiritual Exploration: The number calls for a questioning of established spiritual beliefs, advocating for a more personalized understanding of the divine.
  • Symbol of Material Temptations: 666 is often seen as a reminder of the material world’s allure, emphasizing the need for balance between physical and spiritual realms.
  • Moderation and Awareness: It serves as a prompt for mindfulness in the face of worldly distractions, guiding towards a harmonious life.

666 Numerology Meaning

  • Transformational Energy: In numerology, 666 often represents the energy of transformation and change, suggesting the potential to turn challenging situations into opportunities for growth.
  • Life Phase Indicator: Encountering 666 might signify a significant transition phase in life, symbolizing a period of introspection and personal evolution, guiding towards profound changes.
  • Balance and Duality: Numerologically, 666 can represent the equilibrium between different forces in life, emphasizing the importance of maintaining balance in one’s spiritual and material existence.

666 Meaning in Different Cultures

A horror style 666 tattoo design.
A horror style 666 tattoo design.
  • Western Beliefs: In Western cultures, 666 often carries a stigma of evil, primarily due to its depiction as the “Number of the Beast” in Christian theology. It’s frequently linked to demonic imagery and apocalyptic scenarios in religious contexts.
  • 666 Chinese Meaning: In Chinese culture, the number 666 is seen positively, often associated with luck and prosperity. The pronunciation of ‘6’ in Mandarin (‘liù’) sounds similar to the word for ‘smooth’ or ‘flowing’, symbolizing things going smoothly.
  • Japanese and Korean Views: In Japanese and Korean cultures, unlike the Chinese perception, 666 does not hold a significant cultural impact. It’s generally considered just another number, without the intense superstitions attached to it in Western contexts.
  • Global Diversity: Globally, 666’s interpretation can range from fear and superstition to neutrality or even positivity. In some cultures, it’s a mere numerical sequence, while in others, it’s enveloped in myth and spiritual symbolism.


What a word…it means…drum roll…the fear of the number 666. Here are some interesting facts about this phenomenon:

A horror style 666 devil tattoo design.
A horror style 666 devil tattoo design.

Historical Precedence: Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, the fear of the number 666, has led to notable cases like Nancy and Ronald Reagan changing their address from 666 to 668 St. Cloud Road, reflecting deep-rooted superstitions surrounding this number.

Influence on Public Infrastructure: The phobia has influenced changes in public infrastructure, such as renumbering U.S. Route 666 in New Mexico to Route 491 to avoid the negative connotations associated with 666.

Pop Culture Manifestations: This fear is often depicted in horror films like ‘The Omen’, emphasizing the ominous nature of 666, and it has been a recurring theme in music like Iron Maiden’s “The Number of the Beast.”

Personal Decisions Influenced by 666: Individuals have made significant decisions based on this phobia, such as Codie Thacker forfeiting a cross-country race due to being assigned bib number 666.

Legislative Actions: Politicians like US Representative Joe Barton have sought to change legislative bill numbers from 666, demonstrating the number’s impact even in governmental contexts.

A biker inspired 666 tattoo design.
A biker inspired 666 tattoo design.

International Reactions: Global reactions to 666 have varied, with instances like flight AY666 from Copenhagen to Helsinki being rebranded due to its association with the number and its connotations of bad luck, especially when scheduled on Friday the 13th.

Commercial Considerations: Real estate decisions, such as Brookfield Properties’ renumbering of 666 Fifth Avenue to 660, highlight the impact of hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia on business and commerce.

Public Sentiments and Actions: Public sentiments around 666 have led to actions like PKS Gdynia renumbering bus line 666 to 669 in Poland, showing the pervasive influence of this fear across different cultures and communities.

Birth Date Concerns: Some women have expressed apprehension about giving birth on dates with 666, such as June 6, 2006 (6/6/06), indicating the deep psychological impact of this number.

666 in Popular Culture

A horror style 666 tattoo design.
A horror style 666 tattoo design.
  • Pulp Fiction Reference: In Quentin Tarantino’s “Pulp Fiction,” the briefcase’s lock code is famously set to 666, adding to the mystery and intrigue surrounding its contents.
  • Heavy Metal Emblem: 666 is a recurrent theme in heavy metal music, symbolizing rebellion and nonconformity, as seen in Iron Maiden’s “The Number of the Beast” album.
  • Modern TV Portrayals: HBO’s series “White Lotus” features a character named Jack with a 666 tattoo in Roman numerals (DCLXVI), which lead to fans speculating that “he’s evil“.
    representing a modern cultural interpretation and integration of the number into contemporary storytelling.
  • Symbolism in Horror Films: The number often appears in horror films to evoke fear and suspense, aligning with its historical association with evil and the occult, such as in “The Omen” series.

666 in the Bible

A 666 tattoo design.
A 666 tattoo design.
  • Symbol of the Antichrist: In the Bible, 666 is most famously referenced in the Book of Revelation as the “Number of the Beast,” often interpreted as a symbol of the Antichrist or ultimate evil. Interestingly, the number 888 is given to Christ in direct oposition to 666.
  • Context of Revelation: The apocalyptic context in Revelation depicts 666 as part of a complex symbolic system representing opposition to God and goodness.
  • Interpretations of 666: Throughout Christian history, 666 has been variously interpreted by theologians and scholars, with some seeing it as a coded reference to specific historical figures or systems of power.
  • Controversial Discussions: The number has sparked extensive debate and speculation, particularly in eschatological discussions concerning the end times and the Second Coming of Christ.
  • Numerical Symbolism: In biblical numerology, 666 contrasts with the number 7, which typically symbolizes completeness or divine perfection, thereby marking 666 as a symbol of imperfection and human fallibility.
  • Modern Interpretations: Today, many theologians and biblical scholars view 666 in a metaphorical sense, as a representation of humanity’s struggle with sin and temptation.
A 666 rose tattoo design.
A 666 rose tattoo design.

666 as the Devil’s Number

An American traditional 666 devil tattoo design.
An American traditional 666 devil tattoo design.
  • Cultural Icon: In pop culture, 666 embodies mystery and defiance, commonly appearing in horror and gothic genres to evoke intrigue and challenge perceptions.
  • Symbol of Rebellion: Historically linked with evil, 666 is often used as a symbol of rebellion against traditional beliefs and moral values.
  • Fun Fact: Very early biblical fragments of papyrus suggest that the original number of the beast is 616.

666 Meaning Sexually

An American traditional 666 devil and angel tattoo design.
An American traditional 666 devil and angel tattoo design.
  • Embracing Hidden Desires: 666 often symbolizes the exploration of deep sexual desires, encouraging individuals to acknowledge and embrace their innermost passions.
  • Sexual Liberation: It represents a journey of sexual self-discovery and liberation, breaking free from conventional norms to embrace one’s true sexual identity.

666 Angel Number Meaning in Career

  • Career Transformation: 666 in a career context suggests a significant phase of professional transformation, urging adaptation and innovation.
  • Challenging Complacency: It acts as a warning against professional stagnation, encouraging continuous personal and career development.

666 Angel Number Meaning in Money

A 666 dollar tattoo design.
A 666 dollar tattoo design.
  • Materialism Caution: This number serves as a reminder of the pitfalls of excessive materialism, emphasizing spiritual over material wealth.
  • Ethical Wealth Management: It symbolizes the ethical responsibility accompanying wealth, advocating for considerate and principled financial decisions.

666 Angel Number Twin Flame

  • Twin Flame Challenges: For twin flames, 666 represents the profound emotional challenges and transformative experiences that deepen their connection.
  • Unlocking Deeper Connections: This number often indicates a phase where twin flames unlock deeper layers of understanding and spiritual growth.
A flaming 666 tattoo design.
A flaming 666 tattoo design.

666 Tattoo Meaning

The 666 tattoo, often shrouded in mystery and controversy, holds a profound significance for those who choose to wear it.

This emblematic number, rich in historical and cultural references, serves as a powerful statement of personal belief, spiritual journey, and often, rebellion against the conventional.

A Kawaii style 666 devil and angel tattoo design.
A Kawaii style 666 devil and angel tattoo design.
  • Emblem of Rebellion and Empowerment: For many, a 666 tattoo symbolizes rebellion against societal norms and a declaration of personal empowerment. It’s a mark of individuality, often chosen by those who resonate with its defiance of traditional values and its representation of strength in the face of adversity.
  • Spiritual Journey and Awakening: Beyond its notorious reputation, the 666 tattoo can signify a spiritual journey, marking a period of awakening and transformation. It represents a quest for deeper understanding, embracing both the light and dark aspects of one’s existence, and often a departure from conventional religious beliefs.
  • Connection to Historical and Pop Culture: The 666 tattoo also symbolizes a connection to its rich historical roots and its influence in popular culture. From biblical references as the “Number of the Beast” to its portrayal in movies, music, and literature, it’s a nod to the wearer’s fascination with the enigmatic and the mysterious.
  • Personal Narrative and Experience: Each 666 tattoo carries a personal narrative, reflecting the wearer’s experiences, beliefs, and life events. It’s a symbol that often marks a significant turning point in one’s life, a reminder of a personal challenge overcome, or a transformative experience that has shaped the wearer’s journey.
A neon devil 666 tattoo design.
A neon devil 666 tattoo design.

666 Tattoo Design and Style

A neo-Gothic style 666 tattoo design.
A neo-Gothic style 666 tattoo design.
  • 666 Gothic Tattoo: A Gothic style 666 tattoo often features intricate patterns, dark shades, and elements like gargoyles or Gothic arches, symbolizing a connection to the mysterious and ancient aspects of the number.

    Example: A popular design might include the 666 number intertwined with Gothic architectural elements, such as stained glass window patterns or stone carvings, often in black and gray ink.
  • 666 Minimalist Tattoo: Minimalist 666 tattoos focus on simplicity and understatement, often just the numbers in sleek, modern font, reflecting a more introspective and personal connection with the number’s symbolism.

    Example: A common minimalist design is the 666 number in a clean, sans-serif font, possibly located on a discreet part of the body like the wrist or behind the ear, symbolizing a personal, yet subtle acknowledgment of its meaning.
  • 666 in Symbolic Imagery: Integrating 666 with other symbolic imagery such as serpents, the eye of Horus, or celestial motifs can create a powerful emblem of spiritual and mystical associations.

    Example: A design that combines 666 with a serpent encircling it, possibly with celestial stars or moons, can represent the intertwining of earthly temptations and cosmic forces.

666 Tattoo FAQs

A dark fantasy inspired 666 tattoo design.
A dark fantasy inspired 666 tattoo design.

Why Choose a 666 Tattoo?

Individuals may opt for a 666 tattoo as an expression of their intrigue with the mystical, as a symbol of overcoming challenges, or to represent a significant life event that resonates with the number’s meaning.

Can a 666 Tattoo Have Positive Meanings?

A zen inspired 666 tattoo design.
A zen inspired 666 tattoo design.

Yes, for some, Despite its notorious connotations, a 666 tattoo can indeed symbolize positive aspects such as resilience, transformation, and the balance of light and dark. Other aspects include personal growth, the embracing of one’s full self, including flaws and strengths, or as a talisman against negativity.

Is a 666 Tattoo Right for Me?

Deciding to get a 666 tattoo is a personal choice that should be made considering its varied interpretations and personal significance.

Further Reading

A steampunk style 666 tattoo design.
A steampunk style 666 tattoo design.

Definitely check out our other posts on Angel Number Tattoos:

Please note that the information on tattoo meanings in this blog is for general guidance only and not a substitute for professional advice. Tattoo symbolism can vary greatly, and we recommend consulting with qualified experts to understand the significance and appropriateness of any design before proceeding.